The AnaSat
VSAT series of SSPAs are designed for continuous outdoor duty in all types of
environments. Ideally suited for SCPC, MCPC, DAMA, and VoIP applications. Designed to interface
with a 0 dBm driver, the AnaSat
VSAT SSPA may be used in a wide variety of communication
The C-band members of the AnaSat
SSPA family transmit in the 6 GHz frequency range. The
Ku-band members of the SSPA
SSPA family transmit in the 14 GHz frequency.
The AnaSat
VSAT SSPAs incorporate a solid-state power amplifier, M&C function, and a
universal power supply, all in a small, highly integrated outdoor package. The only cabling required to
the indoor plant are the RF and AC power cables.
The Power Amplifier (PA) uses Internally-Matched Field-Effect Transistors (IMFET) to achieve
highly linear power and gain with minimal intermodulation distortion (IMD) products.
SSPAs use a wide input voltage (100 to 240VAC, 47 to 63Hz) switching power supply to
develop the +13V used as the internal power source for the Power amplifier. An internal circuit senses
the input voltage range being used and automatically switches to the appropriate mode. The AC input is
connected via a 4-pin circular connector.
Shown in Figure 1 below is a 125W Ku-Band AnaSat
Figure 1 – AnaSat SSPA
Figure 1 - 125 Watt Ku-Band SSPA