Lightning Arrestor - Helps protect telephone answering machines
from damage caused by lightning strikes to the telephone line.
Recommended for areas prone to electrical storms.
30 Minute Microcassette - For recording outgoing and incoming
Rechargeable Battery Pack - For Model TC-520.
AC Adapter - For Model TC-520.
Touchtone Dialer - Activates the beeperless remote operation in
areas where true touchtone is not available or from cellular phones.
Modular Duplex T-Adapter - Converts a single modular telephone
jack to a double jack.
Modular Two Line T-Adapter - Splits one RJ14 two line jack into
two RJ11 single line jacks.
A+A1 Light Control - When using this answering machine with a
business phone system, this accessory enables the in-use indicator
at a receptionist's console to light when the phone is off-hook.
Part No. Price Qty. Total
2700140 $19.95
2601008 $5.95
3201010 $15.00
1601061 $13.50
2001018 $19.95
2700156 $5.95
2700135 $5.95
2701180 $6.95
To order accessories for your TC-520 answering machine, simply cut out this
order form, fill in the appropriate information and send it with payment (check,
money order or credit card information) to:
CASIO PHONEMATE Parts Department
8805 Kelso Drive
Baltimore, MD 21221
or Call: 1-800-322-9995
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City ___________________________ State __________Zip Code ______________
Signature ______________________________ Telephone ____________________
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VISA and Master Card orders ONLY call toll free 1-800-322-9995 or use
this form to order. CASIO PHONEMATE, Parts Dept., 8805 Kelso Drive,
Baltimore, MD 21221
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Please charge my credit card.
CA & MD residents
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Please fill in the quantity and total price of the items that you are requesting. Figure the total and send a check or money order
for the proper amount. We do not accept C.O.D. orders. Allow 15 working days for delivery. Prices subject to change without
notice. Returns subject to 20% restocking charge upon approval.