FaxPress Xerox Interface Guide
4. The Properties screen for the Xerox system appears. Click the
Printing Preferences button to open the Preferences screen.
5. Typically, you can leave all the settings at their defaults. One
exception; if you have enabled Network Accounting on your
Xerox WorkCentre Pro, you must specify the default User ID and
the System ID in the Device Settings tab (Accounting>Setup) of
the printer driver properties. If your situation requires special set-
tings, make them with caution. Castelle recommends that you do
NOT change any of the advanced options unless you ar certain
that the changes will work without any unwanted side-effects.
6. When you have the settings as you want them, click
7. Test the printer from the workstation, and test printing a fax or fax
If you want to set up the Xerox system so it prints faxes and/or fax
notifications in special colors proceed to the next section of this chapter.