
Copyright 2000 Castelle. All rights reserved.
OfficeDirect Storage Server User’s Guide
61-1202-001 rev A.
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Castelle Corporate Headquarters
3255-3 Scott Blvd.
Santa Clara, CA 95054
Phone: 408-496-0474
Toll Free: 800-289-7555
Fax: 408-492-1964
Email: sales@castelle.com
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352 Avebury Blvd.
Milton Keynes MK9 2JH
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Phone: +44 (0)1908-207-600
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Technical Support
Technical support is available by mail, fax, e-mail, or phone from 6am to
6PM Pacific Standard Time. Before contacting Technical Support, please
refer to Chapter 6 - Troubleshooting for possible solutions.
Phone: 408.496.6966
Fax: 408.492.1338
E-mail: support@castelle.com
Please be sure to provide Technical Support with your OfficeDirect Storage
Server serial number, your name, company name, street address, and phone
Castelle North America Sales
Toll Free: (800) 289-7555
International Sales
Phone: 1 (408) 496-0474