Turbomachinery Package Specification Titan 250 Generator Set
Customer-Furnished Pilot Air System
Fluid Clean-Dry Air
Air Quality
See Note (d)
Minimum/Maximum Regulated Pressure Range 689 to 1379 kPag (100 to 200 psig)
Pilot Air Filter 10 micron
Construction Materials
Piping, Manifolds, and Tubing 316L Stainless Steel
Applicable Engineering Specifications
Solar’s Engineering Specification ES 9-98
Fuel, Air, and Water (or Steam) for Solar Gas
Turbine Engines
Solar’s Engineering Specification ES 1593
Guidelines for NEC Compliance of Solar Product
Lines: Class I, Group D, Division 1 and Division 2
Solar’s Engineering Specification ES 1762
Standards and Practices for Electrical Systems for
Gas Turbine Packages Installed In Hazardous
Areas (CENELEC/IEC Standards – European
ATEX Directive 94/9/EC)
Applicable Product Information Letters
Solar’s Product Information Letter PIL 148 LPG and NGL Fuels
Solar’s Product Information Letter PIL 162
Recommendations for the Sourcing, Handling,
Storage and Treatment of Fuels for Solar Gas
Solar’s Product Information Letter PIL 176 Siloxanes in Gas Fuel
(a) The gas fuel system is designed to operate with fuels that comply with Solar’s Engineering
Specification ES 9-98. Most commercially available natural gas fuels comply with ES 9-98.
The gas fuel system can be modified to operate with fuels that do not comply with ES 9-98.
Solar gas turbines can operate on low Btu fuels. Please contact Solar Turbines for
assistance in evaluating fuel characteristics and gas turbine requirements.
(b) Fuel pressure and flow requirements can be affected by several factors such as; fuel
temperature, fuel lower heating value, air inlet temperature, fuel composition, fuel specific
gravity, engine injector type, inlet duct loss, relative humidity, site elevation, and piping length
and diameter. Based on site conditions, minimum fuel pressure and flow requirements may
be less than stated values. Please contact Solar Turbines for site-specific fuel pressure and
flow requirements.
(c) Fuel must have a differential temperature (ΔT) of at least 27°C (50°F) above fuel dew point
(d) The particle size in the air stream should not exceed 10μ. Since it is impractical to remove
100% of all particles larger than 10μ, this is defined as ß10 > 100, or 99% efficient. Oil or
hydrocarbon content should not exceed 1 ppm. The dew point at line pressure shall be at
least 6°C (10°F) below the minimum temperature to which any part of the air system is
exposed or between -29°C and 93°C (-20°F and 200°F). Air should be free of all corrosive
contaminants, hazardous gases, flammables, and toxics.
© 2008 Solar Turbines Incorporated. All rights reserved. TPS250GS/908 - Preliminary