
950H Wheel Loader specifications
Optional Equipment
Optional equipment may vary. Consult your Caterpillar dealer for details.
Mirrors, heated external, folding
Open canopy
Payload Control System
Payload Control System Printer
Platform, window cleaning
Precleaner, turbine
Precleaner, turbine/trash
Product Link
Radio, AM/FM Weatherband (CD)
Radio, CB-ready
Remote pressure taps, transmission
Ride Control System, two- or three-valve
Seatbelt, 76 mm (3) wide
Sound suppression, exterior
Starting aid, ether
Steering, Command Control System
Steering, secondary
Switch, lift lever FNR (steering wheel machines)
Sun visor, front
Tool box
Special Machine Arrangements
High Lift Arrangement, two- and three-valve
Forest Machine Arrangement
Industrial Loader Arrangement
Sewer and Water Arrangement
Yard Loader Value Package
Air conditioner
Aggregate Autodig System
Buckets and work tools
Bucket Ground Engaging Tools (GET) - see Cat dealer for
Camera, rear vision
Cooler, axle oil
Limited slip, front or rear
NO-SPIN, rear
Drain, axle ecology
Fender extensions, front and rear
Fenders, narrow
Fenders, roading
Guard, axle seal
Guard, front window, wide or small mesh
Guard, power train
Heater, engine coolant, 120- or 240-volt
Hydraulic arrangement, three-valve
Joystick control, two- or three-valve
Lights, directional
Lights, high intensity discharge (HID)
Lights, roading
Light, warning beacon
Lights, work, cab-mounted
Machine Security System
Mirrors, external
Mirrors, heated external