• Use Time Server
Select this option for automatic time
synchronization to occur over the TCP/IP
network using the Time Server (SNTP).
• Master
Select this option if the DVR will act as the
time server for other DVRs on the TCP/IP
• Use Clock Adjust
Select this option for automatic time
synchronization via PORT A (RS-422).
Then choose whether this DVR will act as
the master or slave.
• Time Server
Choose either public or private time server.
For most cases select public. The DVR will
obtain the average time among 5 public
servers (rime.nist.gov, time-a.nist.gov,
time-b.nist.gov, ntp.nasa.gov and
clock.isc.org). Then specify how often the
time is synchronized in minutes. If there is
a specific time server then select private
and enter its host name or IP address.
•Time Zone
Select the time zone for the locale.
• Daylight Savings
Specify whether to use daylight saving
time and the time period.
3. 6. 5 Password Administration
Access to the DVR can be controlled by
setting up administrator and user passwords.
One or more permissions can be assigned to
each user depending on user tasks. Users
and passwords can be setup for accessing
the DVR at the front panel as well as over
the network.
• Use Password
Select this option to enable password.
Enter the password for Administrator using
the channel buttons 1 ~ 10(ZR-DH921NP :
1 ~ 9).
After enabling the password for the first time
a unique Master Password is displayed. It is
used in case the Administrator password is
lost. Record this key as it is displayed
only once.