List of Bright Stars • 73
The following is a list of bright stars that can be used to align the R.A. setting circle. All coordinates are in
epoch 2000.0.
Epoch 2000.0
Star Name Constellation R.A. DEC Magnitude
H M S ° ‘ “
Sirius CMa 06 45 09 -16 42 58 -1.47
Canopus Car 06 23 57 -52 41 44 -0.72
Arcturus Boo 14 15 40 +19 10 57 -0.72
Rigel Kent. Cen 14 39 37 -60 50 02 +0.01
Vega Lyr 18 36 56 +38 47 01 +0.04
Capella Aur 05 16 41 +45 59 53 +0.05
Rigel Ori 05 14 32 -08 12 06 +0.14
Procyon CMi 07 38 18 +05 13 30 +0.37
Betelgeuse Ori 05 55 10 +07 24 26 +0.41
Achernar Eri 01 37 43 -57 14 12 +0.60
Hadar Cen 14 03 49 -60 22 22 +0.63
Altair Aqi 19 50 47 +08 52 06 +0.77
Aldebaran Tau 04 35 55 +16 30 33 +0.86
Spica Vir 13 25 12 -11 09 41 +0.91
Antares Sco 16 29 24 -26 25 55 +0.92
Fomalhaut PsA 22 57 39 -29 37 20 +1.15
Pollux Gem 07 45 19 +28 01 34 +1.16
Deneb Cyg 20 41 26 +45 16 49 +1.28
Beta Crucis Cru 12 47 43 -59 41 19 +1.28
Regulus Leo 10 08 22 +11 58 02 +1.36