16 • The CR-150 HD
To eliminate undue stress on the mount, the telescope should be properly balanced
around the polar axis. In addition, proper balancing is crucial for accurate tracking if
using an optional motor drive. To balance the mount:
1. Release the R.A. Clamp and position the telescope off to one side of the
mount (make sure that the balance bracket thumbscrew is tight). The
counterweight bar will extend horizontally on the opposite side of the
mount (see figure 2-9).
2. Release the telescope —
GRADUALLY — to see which way the telescope
3. Loosen the set screw on one or both counterweights.
4. Move the counterweights to a point where they balance the telescope (i.e.,
it remains stationary when the R.A. clamp is released).
5. Tighten the set screw to hold the counterweight(s) in place.
These are general balance instructions and will reduce undue stress on the
mount. When taking astrophotos, this balance process should be done for the
specific area at which the telescope is pointing.
Figure 2-9Figure 2-9
Figure 2-9Figure 2-9
Figure 2-9
The telescope should be balanced after all the standard accessories (i.e., star diagonal,
eyepiece, etc.) have been attached to the telescope. The correct procedure for attaching
these accessories is discussed in the section on “Telescope Basics.”
Balancing the TelescopeBalancing the Telescope
Balancing the TelescopeBalancing the Telescope
Balancing the Telescope
in R.A.in R.A.
in R.A.in R.A.
in R.A.