insert a break point in the signal path to allow the connection of external devices, for instance signal
processors or other mixers at line level signals. Nominal levels can be anywhere between -10dBu
to +6dBu, usually coming from a low impedance source.
pan (pot) abbreviation of ‘panorama’: controls levels sent to left and right outputs.
peaking the point at which a signal rises to its maximum instantaneous level, before falling back down
again. It can also describe an equalizer response curve affecting only a band of frequencies, (like
on a graphic equalizer), “peaking” at the centre of that band.
peak LED a visual indication of the signal peaking just before the onset of clipping.
PFL a function that allows the operator to monitor the pre-fade signal (pre-fade listen) in a channel
independently of the main mix.
phase a term used to describe the relationship of two audio signals. In-phase signals reinforce each
other, out-of-phase signals result in cancellation.
polarity a term used to describe the orientation of the positive and negative poles of an audio
connection. Normally connections are made with positive to positive, negative to negative. If
this is reversed, the result will be out-of-phase signals (see ‘phase’ above).
post-fade the point in the signal path after the monitor or master fader and therefore affected by fader
pre-fade the point in the signal path before the monitor or master fader position and therefore
unaffected by the fader position.
rolloff a fall in gain at the extremes of the frequency response.
shelving an equalizer response affecting all frequencies above or below the break frequency i.e. a
highpass or lowpass derived response.
spill acoustic interference from other sources.
transient a momentary rise in the signal level.
unbalanced a method of audio connection which uses a single wire and the cable screen as the
signal return. This method does not provide the noise immunity of a balanced input (see above).
+48V the phantom power supply, available at the channel mic inputs, for condenser
microphones and active DI boxes.