
Stardance Natural Vent Gas Heater
17. Replace burner. Slide the burner in at an angle
with left side lower than the right side. Slide the left
side onto the injectors, making sure the burner leg
remains at a 90° angle to the base. Lower the right
hand side down in to place. Make sure the burner is
as far left as possible and the injector shoulders are
inside the burner.
NOTE: It is very critical to keep the left burner leg,
which holds the injectors, at a 90° angel to the base.
(Fig. 36) This keeps the orifices aligned with the
tubes inside burner. Failure to do so could affect the
flame appearance and performance of the unit.
18. Place conversion label on valve.
19. Reinstall the right and left log bracket assembly.
20. Replace logs.
21. Replace glass and stove front.
22. Check manifold pressure.
23. Conversion is complete.
Fig. 36 Remove and replace injector orifices.
injector orifice
3/21/00 djt
Left Burner Leg
Injector Orifices
Conversion to LP Input (BTU/h) Air Shutter
Kit # Front Part # Rear Part # Minimum Maximum Setting
000-5022 #69 / .029” 30000513 #54 / .055” 20000130 21,500 28,000 3/8” Open
Conversion to Natural Gas Input (BTU/h) Air Shutter
Kit # Front Part # Rear Part # Minimum Maximum Setting
000-5021 #54 / .055” 20000130 #44 / .086” 30000334 19,000 28,000 Fully Closed
Table 2. Injector Orifice Size Matrix