Vue™ 6.1 User Manual 8 Rev. 2
DMX Mode
This mode allows the unit to be controlled by any universal DMX controller. If you are unfamiliar with
DMX, please read the DMX Primer section in the appendix. The fixture will automatically switch to
DMX mode when it sees the signal from a DMX controller.
Note: In the absence of DMX signal, the fixture will automatically revert to standalone
mode. Plugging in a DMX cable that is connected to a DMX controller will automatically
disable standalone mode and put the fixture into DMX mode.
1. Plug in your DMX controller to the fixture to put in into DMX mode.
2. Set your address by
3. Press Enter.
4. Use the Up and Down buttons to scroll to the desired DMX starting address.
5. Press Enter.
DMX Channel Values
000 024
025 049
050 074
075 099
100 124
125 149
150 174
175 199
200 224
225 249
Dimmer mode
Stand-alone mode 1 (automatic)
Stand-alone mode 2 (automatic)
Stand-alone mode 3 (automatic)
Stand-alone mode 4 (automatic)
Stand-alone mode 5 (automatic)
Stand-alone mode 6 (automatic)
Stand-alone mode 7 (automatic)
Stand-alone mode 8 (automatic)
Stand-alone mode 9 (automatic)
Stand-alone (sound active)
000 004
005 009
010 014
015 019
020 024
025 029
030 034
035 039
040 044
045 049
050 054
055 059
060 064
065 069
070 074
075 079
080 084
085 089
090 094
095 099
100 104
105 109
110 114
115 119
120 124
125 129
130 134
135 139
140 144
145 149
150 154
155 159
160 164
165 169
Auto 1
Auto 2
Auto 3
Auto 4
Auto 5
Auto 6
Auto 7
Auto 8
Auto 9
Auto 10
Auto 11
Auto 12
Auto 13
Auto 14
Auto 15
Auto 16
Auto 17
Auto 18
Auto 19
Auto 20
Auto 21
Auto 22
Auto 23
Auto 24
Auto 25
Auto 26
000 005
Strobing Speed (Dimmer Mode)
000 005