Page 11For technical questions, please call 1-800-444-3353.SKU 95136
Basic Operation
1. Mount the metal to be cut to the metal
welding-cutting table. It should be mounted so
that the cutting debris falls to the cement oor.
2. Place the Air Plasma Cutter unit no closer
than six feet from the workpiece to be cut.
3. Connect an air hose and coupling (not supplied)
from the air supply tank to the Air Input Coupling at
the rear of the unit. See photo on page 6, bottom.
The air supply must be regulated to between 60
and 80 PSI as read on the Air Pressure Gauge.
The air supply must be dry. It is recommended
to install a moisture lter (not included) on
the compressor. Do not use an air oiler.
4. Connect the Torch Cable plug into the twist-lock
connector on the lower left unit front. Twist to lock.
5. Plug in the Grounding Cable into the
Ground Connector on the lower right
of the unit front. Twist to lock.
6. Securely place the clamping end of the Grounding
Cable Clamp to a part of the workpiece or
metal table that is clean of paint, oil, or dirt.
Clamp as close as possible to the workpiece
without damaging the cable during cutting.
7. Verify that the Power Switch is in the Off
(O) position, then plug the 240 V~ line cord
plug into an appropriate 240 V~ outlet.
8. Turn the Power Supply Controller to the
desired current (15 to 40 amps).
9. Adjust air pressure by turning the Pressure
Regulator Knob on top of the unit (see photo on
page 6). Read pressure on Pressure Gauge.
10. When everything is in place for cutting, press
the Power Switch UP to the ON position.
The green Power On Light will illuminate,
but the Torch is not yet energized.
11. Orient yourself to one side of the area to be cut,
and move the Welding Helmet Face Shield (not
included, see page 4 item 7) over your eyes.
SEVERELY INJURE. Once the trigger
is squeezed, the arc will ignite. This
unit provides a pilot arc, so the torch
does not need to contact the workpiece
before the cutting arc ignites.
Part Description
1A Handle
2A Trigger
3A Body
4A Electrode
6A Nozzle
7A Nozzle Holder
Direct torch away from people and ammables
while you squeeze (and hold) the Torch Handle
Trigger (2A) to energize the Torch Electrode (4A).
The air output is delayed a few seconds to enable a
proper arc to begin.
Caution: The Torch handle is now energized.
Be careful not to touch anything else with the
Torch except the workpiece to be cut.
WARNING! Never look at the ignited arc without
ANSI-approved, arc shaded, eye protection in a full
face shield. Permanent eye damage or blindness can
occur. Skin burns can occur. Never breathe arc fumes.
14. Bring the Electrode (4A) of the Torch
close to the starting point of the cut. The
Working Indicator Light will come on.
15. Slowly move the Torch at a slight angle along the
cutting line with the Torch tip trailing.
The air causes the molten metal to fall away
from the workpiece being cut. If proper cutting
is not achieved, adjust the Power Supply
Controller to a higher level, and/ or increase
air ow. To increase air ow, press the Power
Switch to the Off (O) position, then adjust the air
pressure at the Air Pressure Regulator. The air
will continue to come out of the Torch Handle
for a few seconds once the trigger is released.
Note: If too much current is drawn from the Plasma
Cutter (i.e., short circuit), the Thermal Switch, an overload
protector, will activate and the red Thermal Overload
Indicator Light will light. The Plasma Cutter will turn off
until it cools down. To reset you must turn the power OFF
then back ON. Press the Trigger to begin cutting again.
16. When nished cutting:
a. Release the Torch handle trigger and lift
the Torch handle from the workpiece,
b. Press the Power Switch to the Off (O) position,
c. Set the Torch handle down on
the metal workbench,
d. Turn the air supply off,
e. Unplug the line cord from the electrical outlet.