
Command Descriptions
Programming Reference
GS ( k QR Code <Function 180>
[Format] ASCII GS ( k pL pH cn fn m d1 dk
Hex 1D 28 6B pL pH 31 50 30 d1 dk
Decimal 29 40 107 pL pH 49 80 48 d1 dk
[Range] 4 (pL + pH x 256) 7092 (0 pL255, 0pH 27)
cn = 49, fn = 80
m = 48, 0 d 255
k= ( pL + pH x 256) – 3
[Description] Stores the QR Code symbol data (d1...dk) in the symbol save area.
Data stored in the symbol save area by this function is processed by Functions 181. The
data in the symbol save area are reserved after processing Function 181.
k bytes of d1...dk are processed as symbol data.
It is possible to encode to a QR Code as follows. Be sure not to include anything except
the following data in the data d1...dk.
Category of data Characters it is possible to specify
Numerical Mode data “0“ ~ “9“
Alphanumeric Mode data “0” ~ “9“, “A” ~ “Z“, SP, $, %, *, +, –, . , /, :
Kanji Mode data Shift JIS value (Shift value from JISX0208)
8-Bit Byte Mode data 00H ~ 7FH or 8EH ~ DFH
129 Preliminary Rev. 02