Chapter 42 Cisco IP Phone Configuration
Configuring Cisco IPPhones
Cisco CallManager Administration Guide
Phone Configuration Settings
Table 42-1 describes the available settings on the Phone Configuration pane.
Note The Product-Specific Configuration section contains model-specific fields
defined by the phone manufacturer. Cisco CallManager dynamically
populates the fields with default values.
To view field descriptions and help for product-specific configuration items,
click the “i” information icon to the right of the Product Specific
Configuration heading to display help in a popup window.
If you need more information, refer to the documentation for the specific
phone that you are configuring or contact the manufacturer.
Table 42-1 Phone Configuration Settings
Field Description
MAC Address Enter the Media Access Control (MAC) address that
identifies Cisco IP phones (hardware phones only). The
value must be 12 hexadecimal characters.
Refer to the “Displaying the MAC Address of a Phone”
section on page 42-3 for information on how to access
the MAC address.
Device Name Enter a name to identify software-based telephones. The
value can include 1 to 15 characters, including
alphanumeric, dot, dash, and underscores.
Cisco CallManager makes this field available only for
H.323 clients and CTI ports.
Description Identify the purpose of the device. You can enter the user
name (such as John Smith) or the phone location (such as
Lobby) in this field.