Cisco Personal Assistant 1.4 Installation and Administration Guide
Chapter 1 Planning for Personal Assistant
Intercepting Calls with Personal Assistant
• Defining Partitions and Call Search Spaces for Personal Assistant, page 1-18
Using Partitions and Calling Search Spaces Without Personal Assistant
To illustrate partitions and calling search spaces, consider this example in which partitions and calling
search spaces are used without Personal
The following partitions were created to support lobby phones, employee phones, and calls destined for
the PSTN.
The following calling search spaces were created and the partitions were assigned to them to provide
different services. For example, to disallow external calls from the lobby phones, the cssLobby calling
search space does not include the PSTN partition.
The following partitions and calling search spaces were assigned to individual extensions.
When User 3000 dials User 1001, Cisco CallManager looks in the calling search space of User 3000,
cssLobby. Because cssLobby includes the Employee partition in which the extension of User 1001
exists, the call goes through successfully.
However, if User 3000 dials User 5555, the call cannot be completed, because the cssLobby calling
search space does not include the PSTN partition in which the extension of User 5555 exists. Effectively,
this means that people using the lobby phone cannot make outside calls.
Partition Name Designated Devices Assigned to Partition
Lobby All lobby phones
Employee All employee IP phones
PSTN All externally destined route patterns (local PSTN)
Calling Search Space Partitions Assigned To
cssLobby Employee
Devices (such as lobby IP phones) that can dial only internal
cssEmp Lobby
Devices (such as employee IP phones) that can dial both
internal and external numbers.
cssGW Lobby
PSTN voice gateway used for outside callers to access lobby
and employee phones.
Cisco CallManager Setting User 1001 User 1002 User 3000 User 5555
Phone extension 1001 1002 3000 5555
Partition Employee Employee Lobby PSTN
Calling search space cssEmp cssEmp cssLobby cssGW