Catalyst 2960 and 2960-S Switch Software Configuration Guide
Chapter 35 Configuring IPv6 Host Functions
Displaying IPv6
This is an example of the output from the show ipv6 neighbor privileged EXEC command:
Switch# show ipv6 neighbors
IPv6 Address Age Link-layer Addr State Interface
3FFE:C000:0:7::777 - 0007.0007.0007 REACH Vl7
3FFE:C101:113:1::33 - 0000.0000.0033 REACH Fa1/0/13
This is an example of the output from the show ipv6 route privileged EXEC command:
Switch# show ipv6 route
IPv6 Routing Table - Default - 1 entries
Codes: C - Connected, L - Local, S - Static, U - Per-user Static route
L FF00::/8 [0/0]
via Null0, receive
This is an example of the output from the show ipv6 traffic privileged EXEC command.
Switch# show ipv6 traffic
IPv6 statistics:
Rcvd: 1 total, 1 local destination
0 source-routed, 0 truncated
0 format errors, 0 hop count exceeded
0 bad header, 0 unknown option, 0 bad source
0 unknown protocol, 0 not a router
0 fragments, 0 total reassembled
0 reassembly timeouts, 0 reassembly failures
Sent: 36861 generated, 0 forwarded
0 fragmented into 0 fragments, 0 failed
0 encapsulation failed, 0 no route, 0 too big
0 RPF drops, 0 RPF suppressed drops
Mcast: 1 received, 36861 sent
ICMP statistics:
Rcvd: 1 input, 0 checksum errors, 0 too short
0 unknown info type, 0 unknown error type
unreach: 0 routing, 0 admin, 0 neighbor, 0 address, 0 port
parameter: 0 error, 0 header, 0 option
0 hopcount expired, 0 reassembly timeout,0 too big
0 echo request, 0 echo reply
0 group query, 0 group report, 0 group reduce
1 router solicit, 0 router advert, 0 redirects
0 neighbor solicit, 0 neighbor advert
Sent: 10112 output, 0 rate-limited
unreach: 0 routing, 0 admin, 0 neighbor, 0 address, 0 port
parameter: 0 error, 0 header, 0 option
0 hopcount expired, 0 reassembly timeout,0 too big
0 echo request, 0 echo reply
0 group query, 0 group report, 0 group reduce
0 router solicit, 9944 router advert, 0 redirects
84 neighbor solicit, 84 neighbor advert
UDP statistics:
Rcvd: 0 input, 0 checksum errors, 0 length errors
0 no port, 0 dropped
Sent: 26749 output
TCP statistics:
Rcvd: 0 input, 0 checksum errors
Sent: 0 output, 0 retransmitted