V.110 Support for Cisco 3600 Series Digital Modems
show modem operational-status
Cisco IOS Release 12.1(5)T
show modem operational-status
To display performance statistics for individual modems, use the show modem operational-status
user EXEC and privileged EXEC command.
Cisco AS2600, Cisco AS3600 series, Cisco AS5200, and Cisco AS5300 series access servers
show modem operational-status [slot/port]
Cisco AS5800 series access servers
show modem operational-status [shelf/slot/port]
Syntax Description
Defaults There are no default behaviors or values for this command.
Command Modes User EXEC and privileged EXEC
Command History
Usage Guidelines The show modem operational-status command is supported only on systems with internal MICA
technologies or Microcom analog (NM-AM) modems, but not in systems with internal Microcom
digital modems. To display performance statistics for access servers, use the following command
Router# modem at-mode s/p AT@E1
Sample output and explanations of the AT@E1 modem command are provided in the document AT
Command Set and Register Summary for Analog Modem Network Modules , found in the Analog
Modem Firmware index of the Cisco 3600 Series Router documentation on CCO.
shelf/slot/port (Optional) Specifies the location of the shelf (Cisco AS5800 access server
only) and slot and modem port. If these numbers are not specified, statistics
for all connected modems are displayed. (Remember to include the forward
slash (/) when entering these variables.)
Release Modification
11.2(10)P This command was introduced.
12.1(5)T This command was modified to include information for Cisco 3600 series