Cisco SFS 7000 Series Product Family Command Reference Guide
Chapter 6 Show Commands
show interface ib
capability-mask 32-bit bitmask that specifies the supported capabilities of the port. A bit
value of 1 (one) indicates a supported capability. The bits are 0, 11-15, 18,
21-31 (Reserved and always 0.), 1 IsSM, 2 IsNoticeSupported, 3
IsTrapSupported, 4 IsResetSupported, 5 IsAutomaticMigrationSupported,
6 IsSLMappingSupported, 7 IsMKeyNVRAM (supports M_Key in
NVRAM), 8 IsPKeyNVRAM (supports P_Key in NVRAM), 9 Is LED
Info Supported, 10 IsSMdisabled, 16
IsConnectionManagementSupported, 17 IsSNMPTunnelingSupported, 19
IsDeviceManagementSupported, 20 IsVendorClassSupported.Values are
expressed in hexadecimal.
diag-code 16-bit diagnostic code. For more information, see InfiniBand
Architecture®, Vol. 1, Release 1.1, section, “Interpretation of
mkey-lease-period Initial value of the lease-period timer in seconds. The lease period is the
length of time that the M_Key protection bits are to remain non-zero after
a SubnSet (PortInfo) fails an M_Key check. After the lease period expires,
clearing the M_Key protection bits allows any subnet manager to read
(and then set) the M_Key. Set this field to 0 to indicate that the lease
period is never to expire. See InfiniBand Architecture®, Vol. 1, Release
1.1, section 14.2.4, “Management Key.”
local-port-num Number of the link port that received this request; otherwise, the value is
link-width-enabled Enabled link width (speed). The value is an integer that indicates the
enabled link-width sets for this port. The value may be
• 0 (no state change)
• 1 (1x)
• 2 (4x)
• 3 (1x or 4x)
• 8 (12x)
• 9 (1x or 12x)
• 10 (4x or 12x)
• 11 (1x, 4x or 12x)
• 255 (set this parameter to the link-width-supported value)
link-width-supported Supported link width. The value is 1 (1x), 3 (1x or 4x), or 11 (1x, 4x, or
link-width-active Active link width. This parameter is used with LinkSpeedActive to
determine the link rate between the two connected nodes. The value is
width1x, width4x, or width12x.
link-speed-supported Speed that the link between the host and your device supports.
Table 6-72 sma port-info details Keyword Output Field Descriptions (continued)
Field Description