Cisco Unified CallManager System Guide
Chapter 43 Cisco Unified IP Phones
Phone Button Templates
For more information about Cisco TelePresence, see the following system and configuration
• Cisco TelePresence System Administrator's Guide
• Cisco TelePresence Meeting User's Guide
• Cisco Unified CallManager and Cisco TelePresence Configuration
Phone Button Templates
Cisco Unified CallManager includes several default phone button templates. When adding phones, you
can assign one of these templates to the phones or create a new template.
Creating and using templates provide a fast way to assign a common button configuration to a large
number of phones. For example, if users in your company do not use the conference feature, you can
create a template that reassigns this button to a different feature, such as speed dial.
To create a template, you must make a copy of an existing template and assign the template a unique
name. You can make changes to the custom templates that you created, and you can change the labels of
the default phone button templates. You cannot change the function of the buttons in the default
templates. You can rename existing templates and modify them to create new ones, update custom
templates to add or remove features, lines, or speed dials, and delete custom templates that are no longer
being used. When you update a template, the change affects all phones that use the template.
Renaming a template does not affect the phones that use that template. All Cisco Unified IP Phones that
use this template continue to use this template after it is renamed.
Make sure that all phones have at least one line that is assigned to each phone. Normally, this assignment
specifies button 1. Phones can have additional lines that are assigned, depending on the Cisco Unified
IP Phone model. Phones also generally have several features, such as speed dial, that are assigned to the
remaining buttons.
You can delete phone templates that are not currently assigned to any phone in your system if they are
not the only template for a given phone model. You cannot delete a template that is assigned to one or
more devices or the default template for a model (specified in the Device Defaults Configuration
window). You must reassign all Cisco Unified IP Phones that are using the template that you want to
delete to a different phone button template before you can delete the template.
Note The standard phone button template for the Cisco Unified IP Phone model 7960, which supports the
Cisco Unified IP Phone model 7914 Expansion Module, includes buttons for both devices (up to 34
Choose Dependency Records from the Related Links drop-down list box on the Phone Button Template
Configuration window to view the devices that are using a particular template.
Cisco Unified CallManager does not directly control all features on Cisco Unified IP Phones through
phone button templates. Refer to the Cisco Unified IP Phone Administration Guide for Cisco Unified
CallManager and other phone documentation for detailed information about individual Cisco Unified IP
Phone 7900 family models.