Cisco Unified IP Phone 7960G/7940G Administration Guide for Cisco Unified Communications Manager 7.0 (SCCP)
Providing Information to Users Via a Website
If you are a system administrator, you are likely the primary source of information for Cisco Unified IP
Phone users in your network or company. It is important to provide current and thorough information to
end users.
Cisco recommends that you create a web page on your internal support site that provides end users with
important information about their Cisco
Unified IP Phones.
Consider including the following types of information on this site:
• How Users Obtain Support for the Cisco Unified IP Phone, page A-1
• Giving Users Access to the User Options Web Pages, page A-1
• How Users Get Copies of Cisco Unified IP Phone Manuals, page A-2
• Accessing Cisco 7900 Series Unified IP Phone eLearning Tutorials, page A-2
• How Users Subscribe to Services and Configure Phone Features, page A-2
• How Users Access a Voice Messaging System, page A-3
• How Users Configure Personal Directory Entries, page A-3
How Users Obtain Support for the Cisco Unified IP Phone
To successfully use some of the features on the Cisco Unified IP Phone (including speed dial, services,
and voice messaging system options), users must receive information from you or from your network
team or be able to contact you for assistance. Make sure to provide end users with the names of people
to contact for assistance and with instructions for contacting those people.
Giving Users Access to the User Options Web Pages
Before a user can access the User Options web pages, you must use Cisco Unified Communications
Manager Administration to add the user to a standard Cisco
Unified Communications Manager end user
group: choose User Management > User Groups. For additional information, refer to:
• Cisco Unified Communications Manager Administration Guide, “User Group Configuration”
• Cisco Unified Communications Manager System Guide, “Roles and User Groups” chapter”