Cisco Unified IP Phone Administration Guide for Cisco Unified Communications Manager 8.6 (SCCP and SIP)
Chapter 1 An Overview of the Cisco Unified IP Phones
What Features are Supported on the Cisco Unified IP Phone 7962G and 7942G?
6 (IPv6) is an updated version of the current Internet Protocol, IPv4. IPv6 uses a 128-bit address and
provides end-to-end security capabilities, enhanced Quality of Service (QoS), and increased number of
available IP addresses.
The Cisco Unified IP Phones support IPv4 only addressing mode, IPv6 only addressing mode, as well
as an IPv4/IPv6 dual stack addressing mode. In IPv4, you can enter each octet of the IP address on the
phone in dotted decimal notation; for example, In IPv6, you can enter each octet of the IP
address in hexadecimal notation with each octet separated by a colon; for example,
2005:db8:0:1:ef8:9876:ba72:dc9a. The phone truncates and removes leading zeros when it displays the
IPv6 address.
Cisco Unified IP Phones support both IPv4 and an IPv6 address transparently, so users can handle all
calls on the phone to which they are accustomed. Cisco Unified IP Phones with the Skinny Call Control
Protocol (SCCP) support IPv6. Cisco Unified IP Phones with SIP do not support IPv6.
Cisco Unified IP Phones do not support URLs with IPv6 addresses in the URL. This affects all IP Phone
Service URLs, including services, directories, messages, help, and any restricted web services that
require the phone to use the HTTP protocol to validate the credentials with the Authentication URL. If
you configure Cisco Unified IP Phone services for Cisco IP Phones, you must configure the phone and
the servers that support the phone service with IPv4 addresses.
If you configure IPv6 Only as the IP Addressing Mode for phones that are running SIP, the Cisco TFTP
service overrides the IP Addressing Mode configuration and uses IPv4 Only in the configuration file.
For more information on deploying IPv6 in your Cisco Unified Communications network, see Internet
Protocol Version 6 (IPv6) in Cisco Unified Communications Manager Features and Services Guide and
Deploying IPv6 in Unified Communications Networks with Cisco Unified Communications Manager.
Related Topics
• Understanding Interactions with Other Cisco Unified IP Telephony Products, page 2-1
• Understanding the Phone Startup Process, page 2-7
• Network Configuration Menu, page 4-5
What Features are Supported on the Cisco Unified
Phone 7962G and 7942G?
Cisco Unified IP Phones function much like a digital business phone, allowing you to place and receive
phone calls. In addition to traditional telephony features, the Cisco Unified IP Phones include features
that enable you to administer and monitor the phone as a network device.
This section includes the following topics:
• Feature Overview, page 1-10
• Configuring Telephony Features, page 1-10
• Configuring Network Parameters Using the Cisco Unified IP Phones, page 1-11
• Providing Users with Feature Information, page 1-11