Cisco ATA 186 and Cisco ATA 188 Analog Telephone Adaptor Administrator’s Guide for MGCP (version 3.0)
Chapter 4 Cisco ATA-Supported MGCP Services
Important Basic MGCP Services
Important Basic MGCP Services
This section provides descriptions and cross references for configuring required MGCP parameters and
also for configuring other MGCP services:
• Required Parameters, page 4-2
• Setting the Codec, page 4-2
• Configuring Refresh Interval, page 4-2
Required Parameters
You must configure the following parameters for the Cisco ATA to work properly in MGCP mode:
• EPID0orSID0 and EPID1orSID1, page 5-14—Use these parameters to specify the alphanumeric
endpoint identifiers assigned to the port 0 (called Phone 1 on the Cisco ATA) and port 1 (Phone 2)
Cisco ATA FXS ports, respectively. The default dot (.) value of these parameters means that the
Cisco ATA uses the standard MGCP naming convention for endpoints. For EPID0orSID0, the
default endpoint name is aaln/0; for EPID1orSID1, the default endpoint name is aaln/1.
The complete endpoint identifier sent to the Call Agent has the format:
where x is port 0 or port 1 of the Cisco ATA, and ip_addr is the IP address of the MGCP endpoint.
For more information about endpoints and connections, see the “Endpoints and Connections”
section on page 4-3.
Note Setting the EPID0orSID0 and EPID1orSID1 parameters to 0 will not disable the phone lines.
• CA0UID, page 5-13—Set this parameter to the IP address or URL of the primary Call Agent. This
parameter can also include a port number (default port is 2727). Separate the IP address from the
port with a colon (:).
Note See Chapter 5, “Parameters and Defaults,” for additional information about all Cisco ATA parameters.
Setting the Codec
The LBRCodec (low-bit-rate codec) parameter determines whether the G.723 or G.729A codec, in
addition to G.711A-law and G.711µ-law, can be used for receiving and transmitting. For configuration
information, see the “LBRCodec” section on page 5-15.
Configuring Refresh Interval
When the value specified in the CfgInterval parameter is reached, the Cisco ATA attempts to refresh its
configuration file from the TFTP server. By opening a web page for the Cisco ATA, you can perform a
refresh before the scheduled refresh. Set the CfgInterval parameter to an interval value (in seconds) for