Cisco Video Surveillance System 2621 IP Dome User Guide
This document, Cisco Video Surveillance 2621 IP Dome User Guide, provides information about
installing, configuring, using, managing, and troubleshooting the Cisco Video Surveillance 2621 IP
Dome, model CIVS-IPC-2621.
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Chapter 1, “Overview” Provides an overview of the IP camera and its features
Chapter 2, “Getting Started” Provides instructions for installing and performing
the initial setup of the IP camera, connecting to the IP
camera so that you can configure it or view video
from it, powering the IP camera on and off, resetting
the IP camera, and adjusting its back focus
Chapter 3, “Configuring and Managing the IP
Explains how to configure, manage, and administer
the IP camera through the web-based interface
Chapter 4, “Viewing Live Video” Explains how to view live video from the IP camera
Chapter 5, “Troubleshooting” Provides basic troubleshooting information