Installing Cisco WAN Manager Manually
Cisco WAN Manager Installation for Solaris, Release 9.2, Part Number 78-5875-03
[verifying class <none>]
## Executing postinstall script.
Installation of <CSCOconf> was successful.
Running the install_config Program
You must invoke the install_configprogram to perform diskpartitioning and to extract other relevant
software packages.
Note Disk partitioning differs from one disk configuration to another, as shown in Table 2-1. This
section covers the install_config procedure for disk configuration number one only. For the other
disk configurations (two through six), refer to the appropriate “Installing Cisco WAN Manager with
Disk Configuration <N>” sections, where <N> ranges from 2 to 6.
Step 1 At the command line prompt, type:
host# cd /var/SVconfig
Step 2 Invoke the installer script, type:
host# ./install_config
The system prompts you as follows:
Do you want to do an Auto Install or a Manual Install? [a|m)(default(auto):m <Return>
Note You must enter “m” and press Return to invoke an Manual Install.
Are you installing from a <spool> directory or <cdrom>? cdrom <Return>
The system only prompts you with the following message when a Manual Install is
performed for the first time on this workstation. When this is not the case, the script
continues with the: “Using /cdrom/cdrom0 as device name.” message below, therefore,
you can skip steps 3 and 4. When it is a first time auto installation, the following prompt
is displayed:
Using /cdrom/cdrom0 as device name.
Running the Cisco WAN Manager Installer driver.