Cisco 1800 Series Integrated Services Routers (Fixed) Software Configuration Guide
Chapter 14 Troubleshooting
Software Upgrade Methods
Table 14-3 describes some of the fields shown in the debug atm packet command output.
Software Upgrade Methods
Several methods are available for upgrading software on the Cisco 1800 series integrated services
fixed-configuration routers, including:
• Copy the new software image to flash memory over the LAN or WAN while the existing Cisco IOS
software image is operating.
• Copy the new software image to flash memory over the LAN while the boot image (ROM monitor)
is operating.
• Copy the new software image over the console port while in ROM monitor mode.
• From ROM monitor mode, boot the router from a software image that is loaded on a TFTP server.
To use this method, the TFTP server must be on the same LAN as the router.
Recovering a Lost Password
To recover a lost enable or lost enable-secret password:
1. Change the Configuration Register
2. Reset the Router
3. Reset the Password and Save Your Changes (for lost enable secret passwords only)
4. Reset the Configuration Register Value
Note Recovering a lost password is only possible when you are connected to the router through the console
port. These procedures cannot be performed through a Telnet session.
Tip See the “Hot Tips” section on Cisco.com for additional information on replacing enable secret
Table 14-3 debug atm packet Command Output Description
Field Description
ATM0 Interface that is generating the packet.
(O) Output packet. (I) would mean receive packet.
VCD: 0xn Virtual circuit associated with this packet, where n is some value.
VPI: 0xn Virtual path identifier for this packet, where n is some value.
DM: 0xn Descriptor mode bits, where n is some value.
Length: n Total length of the packet (in bytes) including the ATM headers.