Cisco ONS 15200 Product Description
Chapter4 Operation, Administration, and Maintenance
Table 4-2 Environment Parameter Definitions for Protected Channels
Condition Name Definition
(unprotected only)
The power input from the A-side of the ONS 15200 network is
outside the acceptable power range.
DWDM_ARXPOWER The power input from the A-side of the ONS 15200 network is
outside the acceptable power range.
DWDM_BRXPOWER The power input from the B-side of the ONS 15200 network is
outside the acceptable power range.
DWDM_PELTIERCURRENT The Peltier current of the selected CLIP module is outside the
acceptable power range.
DWDM_LASERTEMP The temperature of the laser transmitting to the ONS 15200 network
is outside the acceptable temperature range.
CLIENT_RXPOWER The power input from the client equipment is outside the acceptable
power range.
CLIENT_LASERTEMP The temperature of the laser transmitting to the client equipment is
outside the acceptable temperature range.
ENVIRON_BOARDTEMP The temperature on the surface of the CLIP module circuit board is
outside the acceptable temperature range.
Table 4-3 Alarm Status Parameters
Alarm Name Definition
QPP (unprotected
Proprietary protocol error on the A-side of the network
QPPA Proprietary protocol error on the A-side of the network
QPPB Proprietary protocol error on the B-side of the network
CAN Error on the CAN bus
POWER1 PS-1 input is outside of the acceptable range
POWER2 PS-2 input is outside of the acceptable range
FDI Loss of channel
Miscellaneous alarms
DAC D/A converter alarm
INSTRUCTION Software attempted to write to an invalid location (autoclears
after two seconds)
STATUS Alarm indicator