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Connecting Electrical Service
(Presses With Timers Only)
The following steps outline the procedure for
connecting electric service:
1. Install a suitably sized fused disconnect switch or
circuit breaker as close to press as practical.
2. Remove one knockout plug from electrical
connection box.
3. Connect proper size conduit encased wires to
wires inside box.
4. Connect conduit to box.
NOTE: Refer to wiring schematic enclosed in
control panel.
Final Preparation for Use
NOTE: Press passed a thorough inspection before it
was shipped; however, due to vibration
encountered during shipment, some cap screws,
nuts, screws or fittings may have loosened.
After press is installed, all covers and guards should be
removed and the following performed:
• Check all bolts, nuts, screws, tru-arc rings,
terminals and fittings for security and tighten as
• Check oil level in air line oiler. It should be
3/4 full (approximately 1/2 inch [12.7 mm] from
• Check air tubing. It should be clear of steam lines
and moving parts.
• Check that foot pedals can be fully depressed (no
carpet, rubber pads, etc., under pedals to restrict
Final Check-Out Procedure
The following paragraphs outline check-out
procedures for properly operating mechanical, air,
electrical and steam systems.
FAILURE to perform requested checks and make
corrective actions as required could result in damage
to the press.
NOTE: Refer to Operation/Maintenance Manual
to identify controls before performing the following
Mechanical and Air System Check-Outs
1. Open air supply shut-off valves.
2. Simultaneously push and hold both CLOSE
pushbuttons until head is against buck. Head
should continue downward until padding is
squeezed. Pressing pressure is now applied.
3. Push OPEN button. Head return springs should
pull head open.
4. Simultaneously push both CLOSE buttons. As
head travels downward, release left button. Head
should return open.
5. Simultaneously push both CLOSE buttons. As
head travels downward, release right button.
Head should return open.
6. Simultaneously push both CLOSE buttons. Have
a second person press the OPEN button as you
continue pressing the CLOSE buttons. Head
should return open.
7. If buttons do NOT perform as described above,
DO NOT operate the press. Call a qualified
service technician.
To avoid possible serious injury, BEFORE
making final check-out:
• ALWAYS shut off services to press
BEFORE removing guards and covers to
do ANY maintenance, service, setup,
adjustments or repair tasks.
• Shut off AND lock out ALL electric power
to press.
• Shut off AND lock out ALL air service to
• Shut off AND lock out ALL steam service
to press.
• Let heated surfaces cool.