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1. A person’s left and right ear canals are not necessarily
symmetrical. This may cause different measurement
results. Always take temperature readings in the same
2. A soiled probe lens will result in inaccurate measurement.
Be sure to check that the probe lens is clean before use.
3. Body temperature rises after vigorous exercise, a bath or
shower, or eating. Wait at least 30 minutes before taking
temperature readings.
4. Do NOT use the ear thermometer when the ear canal is
wet (after swimming, bathing, etc.).
5. Let the ear thermometer stand at room temperature
before use.
6. It is important to know your normal temperature so you
can compare it to the measurement result.
About Ear Thermometers
All objects radiate heat. To measure body temperature, this
ear thermometer uses an infrared sensor incorporated in
its probe to detect the heat radiated from the eardrum and
the area around it. In general the ear canal (external auditory
canal) of an infant is relatively straight.
As we grow older, it takes on some curvature, as shown
in Fig. 2. It is important to point the probe lens of the ear
thermometer toward the eardrum and its periphery inside
the ear. To straighten the ear canal, gently pull on the outer
ear in the direction of the rear of the head, as shown in Fig.
3. Each ear canal has a slightly different shape, be sure to
check it before taking temperature readings. Insert the probe
straight into the ear canal, as shown in Fig. 4.
Fig.2 Fig.3 Fig.4