CLEAREFFECT – Clear Effect Wide Band Telco Emulation
This command enables / disables or reports the current status of the clear effect.
Command Form: DEVICE CLEAREFFECT <Channel> [Value]
Argument Type Size Values Units
Channel Channel 1 See Groups and Channels
Group Group 1 17 (R)
Value Unsigned Integer 2 0 = Off
1 = On
2 = Toggle
(Null to query in text)
CLOCK – Clock Set
This command sets or reports the current time.
Command Form: DEVICE CLOCK [Date Month Year Hours Minutes Seconds Day]
Argument Type Size Values Units
Date Unsigned Integer 1 1 – 31
Month Unsigned Integer 1 1 – 12
Year Unsigned Integer 2 2000 – 2099
(NULL to Query in Text)
Hours Unsigned Integer 1 00 – 23
Minutes Unsigned Integer 1 00 – 59
Seconds Unsigned Integer 1 00 – 59
Day of
Unsigned Integer 1 1 = Sunday
2 = Monday
3 = Tuesday
4 = Wednesday
5 = Thursday
6 = Friday
7 = Saturday
COMPDLY – Compressor Delay
This command sets signal compression delay on a Channel for look ahead compression functionality. Delay from
0-20 msec
Command Form: DEVICE COMPDLY <Channel> <Group> [Value]
Argument Type Size Values Units
Channel Channel 1 See Groups and Channels
Group Group 1 23 (J)
Value Unsigned Integer 2 0-20
(Null to query in text)
COMPDLYEN – Compressor Delay Enable
This command enables signal compression delay on a Channel for look-ahead compression functionality
Command Form: DEVICE COMPDLYEN <Channel> <Group> [Value]
Argument Type Size Values Units
Channel Channel 1 See Groups and Channels
Group Group 1 23 (J)
Value Unsigned Short 2 0 = Off
1 = On
2 = Toggle
(Null to query in text)