8.2) Poor routing
Problem – “I know a better way”
As a general rule, a navigation product will usually not take the same route that you would
choose on your own. For example if you drive the same route every day, then you have learned
the best way to go based on traffic patterns. The nav unit will get you there, but it will probably
choose a different way.
Navigation units are not designed to show you the way to familiar destinations. If you always
know the best way to go, then you do not need a nav unit! Navigation units are very handy to
guide you to unfamiliar destinations. If you follow the turn-by-turn instructions, you will arrive
at your destination.
Problem – “I don’t like the route”
The 7750 PLT offers flexibility in calculating a route. You can change the routing options, and
you can also choose to avoid a particular road by choosing a “detour”.
For info on changing routing options, click <HERE>.
For info on doing a detour, click <HERE>.
Problem – “Route Calculate Failure”
Please click <HERE> for info.
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