in your Kinship is currently on-
line, where they are adventuring,
and what level and class they are.
Finding Kinship members close to
your own level and current area is
a good way to begin establishing a
fellowship. All buttons within the
Kinship window are considered
to be Kinship commands. Kinship
commands can only be executed by
members of suffi cient rank.
The character who purchases a
charter and starts a Kinship is its
founder, and always has that title (or
something similar). That character is
also the Kinship’s fi rst leader. Only
one member can be the leader. The
other title is offi cer (or something
similar); any other characters in the
Kinship can be offi cers.
Kinship titles depend on what type
of Kinship it is:
Founder Father Brandir Founder Founder Founder
Leader Lord Tûr Leader Master Leader
Offi cer Seneschal Caun Chief Provost Offi cer
To quit your Kinship, press the
Quit button at the bottom of the
Kinship panel. Please note that
doing so will also remove any
Kinship titles that you have.
To add another person to your
Kinship, simply press the Add button.
A dialog box will be displayed
requesting the name of the person
to add. If you already had someone
selected, his name will be fi lled in
by default. If you would like to add
someone different, then change the
name before you press Add.
Only Kinship leaders and offi cers
have suffi cient rank to remove
people from the Kinship. To remove
someone from the Kinship, select
her name in the Kinship list and
press the Remove button. A dialog
box will be displayed requesting
confi rmation.
Kinships are groups of players that
come together for a common, long-
term purpose. (In other online role-
playing games, such organizations
are often called guilds). The purpose
could be purely social, to pool re-
sources, to take care of new players,
or to share a common philosophy.
To create a Kinship, you must
purchase a charter from a Kinship
Clerk. These NPCs are found in
various towns throughout Middle-
earth. The person who created the
Kinship is its fi rst leader. (A Kinship
can change its leader.) You cannot
create a Kinship if you are already a
member of another Kinship.
A Kinship is either restricted
by race or it is a Mixed Kinship
— the founder makes that decision
when he creates the Kinship.
Once you are in a Kinship, the
Kinship tab displays information
about your Kinship. The Kinship
panel is separated into three main
sections — the Kinship’s name, its
Message of the Day (MotD), and
its Members list. The name of your
Kinship is displayed prominently
at the top of
the panel. The
Kinship Message
of the Day is
for important
which your
Kinship leader
or offi cers would
like you to know
about (such
as scheduled
Kinship events
or introducing
new members).
The Kinship
member list is
used to quickly
determine who
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