
Rugged, reliable product design
Electronic hot surface ignitor
for dependable operation and
reduced energy costs
Multiple-speed, direct-drive
motor powers large, quiet
blower to keep you comfortable
Inducer fan quietly
regulates combustion for
improved efficiency
Aluminized steel tubular heat
exchanger for long life—backed
by a 20-year limited warranty
Integrated control provides
reliable, economical operation
Timed-on, adjustable-off
blower for maximum comfort
blower for maximum comfort
AFUE: The federal government has established Annual Fuel Utilization Efficiency (AFUE) ratings to allow you to
compare the efficiency of furnaces. The higher the AFUE percentage is (e.g. 95%), the more efficient the furnace.
Comfort for all the times of your life C o l e m a n
C o m f o r t e e r
S e r i e s
$1,596 – $1,297 = $299
(Your estimated annual savings)
That’s a 20% savings!
Example is based on the difference
between a 65% AFUE unit and
an 80% AFUE unit in zone 1.
Approximate Annual Heating
Operating Costs
Zone 1 Zone 2 Zone 3 Zone 4 Zone 5
65% $1,596 $1,418 $1,082 $957 $534
80% $1,297 $1,152 $875 $777 $474
92% $1,127 $1,002 $764 $676 $412
95% $1,091 $969 $740 $654 $399
Savings you can see
Advanced Comforteer gas furnaces
are far more efficient compared to
many older units. Factor in higher
reliability and reduced service
costs, and a Comforteer purchase
pays for itself fast.
To use the map and chart:
First, determine the AFUE
of your current
system. Then using the map, find your
zone. Cross-reference your zone and
AFUE in the table to determine your
approximate operating cost. Take the
difference between your current cost and
that of a new, more efficient system to
learn your estimated annual savings.