Alpha 21264/EV67 Hardware Reference Manual
Cache and External Interfaces 4–51
Bcache Port
The Relationship Between Write-to-Read — BC_WR_RD_BUBBLES and wr_rd
The following formulas calculate the relationship between the Cbox CSR
BC_WR_RD_BUBBLES and wr_rd:
wr_rd = (BC_WR_RD_BUBBLES – 1) * bcfrm
BC_WR_RD_BUBBLES = ((wr_rd + bcfrm – 1) / bcfrm) + 1
There is never a need to use a value of 0 or 1 for BC_WR_RD_BUBBLES.
If wr_rd = 4*ratio, then value 3 would be the minimum
BC_WR_RD_BUBBLES value when bcfrm = 2*ratio, and value 5 would be the
minimum BC_WR_RD_BUBBLES value when bcfrm = ratio.
There is a special case for ratio = 2.0 in single-data mode. In this case, the for-
mula is:
wr_rd = (BC_WR_RD_BUBBLES – 2) * bcfrm
The Relationship Between Read-to-Write — BC_RD_WR_BUBBLES and rd_wr
Use the following formula to calculate the value for the Cbox CSR
BC_RD_WR_BUBBLES that produces the minimum rd_wr restriction:
BC_RD_WR_BUBBLES = rd_wr – 6
Note that a value for BC_RD_WR_BUBBLES of zero really means 64 GCLK cycles.
In that case, amend the formula. For example, it is impossible to have rd_wr = 6 in
the 1.5x dual-data rate mode case.
4.8.4 Pin Descriptions
This section describes the characteristics of the Bcache interface pins. BcAdd_H[23:4]
The BcAdd_H[23:4] pins are high drive outputs that provides the index for the Bcache.
The 21264/EV67 supports Bcache sizes of 1MB, 2MB, 4MB, 8MB, and 16MB. Table
4–42 lists the values to be programmed into Cbox CSRs BC_ENABLE[0] and
BC_SIZE[3:0] to support each size of the Bcache.
Table 4–42 Programming the Bcache to Support Each Size of the Bcache
BC_ENABLE[0] BC_SIZE[3:0] Bcache Size
1 0000 1MB
1 0001 2MB
1 0011 4MB
1 1111 16MB