5–2 Learning More About Your Computer
Understanding Computer Terms
A technical term for a computer program. See program.
audio/video streaming
See streaming.
What you do to create a program that may eventually be stored on a
CD. For example, if you want to create a multimedia game or
presentation, you need authoring software that allows you to combine
sound, graphics, and text with user interactivity. When you finish
creating your program with the authoring software, use Easy CD
Creator to record it on CD.
back up
To copy files in case the original files are lost or damaged. Backup
copies can be stored on the hard drive or on a diskette, Zip disk, or
CD-R disc. Regular backups of all data files on removable storage
media are recommended in case of hard drive failure.
The smallest possible piece of computer information-a single digit
(either a 1 or a 0). See digital.
Defines a display space and the color of each pixel or bit in the
display space. A GIF and a JPEG are examples of graphic image file
types that contain bitmaps.
To start or restart the computer. During the start-up process,
information necessary for the computer to operate is loaded into
memory. See main memory.