Test 1201 - xx through 1210 - xx
error codes:
1202 - xx Modem Timeout Test 1. Refer to modem
documentation for correct
setup procedures.
1203 - xx Modem External 2. Check the modem line.
Termination Test 3. Replace the modem.
1204 - xx Modem Auto Originate
1206 - xx Dial Multifrequency
Tone Test
1210 - xx Modem Direct Connect
Table 5-9. Hard Drive Computer Checkup Error Codes
Error Code Description Recommended Action
1700 - xx Hard ID drive types The following steps apply to
test failed 1700 - xx through 1799 - xx
error codes:
1701 - xx Hard drive format 1. Run Computer Setup and
test failed verify drive type.
2. Reset the hard drive.
1702 - xx Hard drive read test 3. Try another hard drive. If
failed first drive was defective,
try to recover data.
1703 - xx Hard drive write/read/ 4. Replace the system board
compare test failed
1704 - xx Hard drive random seek
test failed
1705 - xx Hard drive controller
test failed
1706 - xx Hard drive ready test
1707 - xx Hard drive recalibration
test failed
1708 - xx Hard drive format bad
track test failed
1709 - xx Hard drive reset
controller test failed
1710 - xx Hard drive park head
test failed
1714 - xx Hard drive file write
test failed
1715 - xx Hard drive head select
test failed