Table 2–1 (Cont.) Summary of Portable API Client Services
Service Description
acmsdi_complete_pp Used by nonblocking environments only. Sends a response
from a presentation procedure request to the TP Desktop
Connector gateway.
Used by nonblocking environments only. Checks for and
processes messages from the TP Desktop Connector
gateway. If no messages have been received from the
gateway, acmsdi_dispatch_message returns immediately.
acmsdi_return_pointer Used by client programs written in Microsoft Visual Basic
to create the workspace array for ACMS_CALL_TASK.
Also used in the forced nonblocking environment to obtain
reference pointers.
acmsdi_sign_in Requests the TP Desktop Connector gateway to sign a user
running a desktop client program in to a ACMS system.
acmsdi_sign_out Requests the TP Desktop Connector gateway to sign a
desktop client program out of a ACMS system.
These calls use the C-language argument-passing standards. Character strings
are NULL-terminated and passed by reference. Workspaces are passed as
structures composed of a length and a pointer field.
2.2 Parameter Memory Allocation
The caller of a TP Desktop Connector client service or a presentation procedure
is responsible for allocating the memory for the parameters of that routine.
For calls to the TP Desktop Connector client services, the desktop client
program must allocate the memory for all parameters passed in, for example,
submitter_id and call_context. For calls to the presentation procedures, the
TP Desktop Connector client services allocate memory for all the parameters
passed and for all workspaces.
2.3 Nonblocking Service Usage
The acmsdi_sign_in, acmsdi_call_task, and acmsdi_sign_out services can be
either blocking, nonblocking, or forced nonblocking. If the desktop client
program supplies the completion_routine parameter to the TP Desktop
Connector client service, the service behaves in the nonblocking fashion. The
TP Desktop Connector client service returns control to the desktop client
program as soon as a request is sent to the TP Desktop Connector gateway.
If the request is sent to the gateway successfully, the TP Desktop Connector
2–2 TP Desktop Connector Portable API Client Services