
DECTPU Debugger Commands
You can use the following commands for debugging once you have set breakpoints,
compiled code, and started execution.
ATTACH process
Suspends the current editing session and transfers control to another active
process or subprocess.
DCL process names are case sensitive.
CANCEL BREAKPOINT procedure-name
Cancels a breakpoint set with the SET BREAKPOINT command.
DEPOSIT variable := expression
Lets you set the values of global variables, local variables, and formal
Clears text from the screen after use of the HELP or SHOW BREAKPOINTS
command. Causes the source display area to display your code.
EXAMINE variable
Displays the current contents of global and local variables, global constants,
formal parameters of the procedure that has been interrupted, and variables local
to that procedure. Local constants cannot be examined.
Causes the debugger to relinquish control of execution until it is invoked again by
a breakpoint, by the DEBUG command, or by the DEBUGON procedure.
Lists available debugger commands and keypad bindings.
Stops execution of the current procedure. Uses the ABORT statement to return
to the main loop of DECTPU. This command is useful when you have located a
problem in a procedure and are ready to get out of the procedure.
SCROLL [-] number-of-lines
Scrolls text in the source display area by the specified number of lines. To scroll
backward through the code in the display area, specify a negative number of
To scroll forward by one line less than the number of lines in the display
window, press the Next Screen key or the sequence GOLD/Down Arrow. To
scroll backward in the same way, press the Prev Screen key or the sequence
GOLD/Up Arrow.
SET BREAKPOINT procedure-name
Invokes the debugger when the specified procedure is entered.
DECTPU Debugger Commands C–1