Linux Installation and Configuration Guide for AlphaServer 31
Power up your system. After several diagnostics are completed, you will be presented an SRM
prompt "P00>>>", as shown here:
1024 Meg of system memory
probing hose 1, PCI
bus 0, slot 7 -- ewa -- DE500-AA Network Controller
bus 0, slot 8 -- pka -- QLogic ISP1020
probing hose 0, PCI
probing PCI-to-ISA bridge, bus 1
bus 0, slot 5, function 1 -- dqa -- Cypress 82C693 IDE
bus 0, slot 5, function 2 -- dqb -- Cypress 82C693 IDE
bus 0, slot 8 -- pkb -- QLogic ISP1020
bus 0, slot 9 -- vga -- ELSA GLoria Synergy
System Temperature is 24 degrees C
initializing GCT/FRU at offset 1d0000
AlphaServer DS 20 Console V5.4-2, May 19 1999 14:25:16
Determine what devices your system has installed. In particular you will need to note your
installation device (a floppy and/or CD-ROM), and your target disk drive. Entering the command
"show devices" as shown below will print out the information about your system:
P00>>>show device
dka0. DKA0 RZ1DF-CB 0371
dkb500. DKB500 RRD46 1337
dva0. DVA0
ewa0. EWA0 00-00-F8-10-AE-C5
pka0. PKA0 SCSI Bus ID 7 5.57
pkb0. PKB0 SCSI Bus ID 7 5.57
In the output above, the first line shows that DKA0 is a hard disk, DKB500 is a CD-ROM, and
DVA0 is a floppy drive.
Also useful for inspecting the computer configuration is the "show config" command, as shown
P00>>>show config | more
Configure the system SRM parameters to boot from your installation device. The commands for
configuring to boot from the floppy device are shown here:
P00>>>set bootdef_dev dva0
P00>>>set boot_file vmlinux.gz
P00>>>set boot_osflags "root=/dev/fd0 load_ramdisk=1"
P00>>>show boot*
boot_dev dva0.
boot_file vmlinux.gz
boot_osflags root=/dev/fd0 load_ramdisk=1
boot_reset OFF
bootdef_dev dva0.
Insert the boot floppy into the drive.
Boot the system using the "boot" command. The result should be that the system boots from the
floppy. You will eventually be prompted to replace the BOOT floppy with the RAMDISK floppy.
If during this process you encounter a problem, such as due to a typographic error in the setting of
the SRM parameters, you will probably be stopped with an "aboot>" prompt. The best way to
deal with this situation is to reset the system using the reset button on the front panel. Then using
the SRM commands, correct the mistake, and repeat the "boot" process.