
Alpha 21264/EV67 Hardware Reference Manual
Internal Architecture 2–13
Pipeline Organization
Miss address file (MAF)
Dstream translation buffer (DTB) Load Queue
The load queue (LQ) is a reorder buffer for load instructions. It contains 32 entries and
maintains the state associated with load instructions that have been issued to the Mbox,
but for which results have not been delivered to the processor and the instructions
retired. The Mbox assigns load instructions to LQ slots based on the order in which
they were fetched from the Icache, then places them into the LQ after they are issued by
the IQ. The LQ helps ensure correct Alpha memory reference behavior. Store Queue
The store queue (SQ) is a reorder buffer and graduation unit for store instructions. It
contains 32 entries and maintains the state associated with store instructions that have
been issued to the Mbox, but for which data has not been written to the Dcache and the
instruction retired. The Mbox assigns store instructions to SQ slots based on the order
in which they were fetched from the Icache and places them into the SQ after they are
issued by the IQ. The SQ holds data associated with store instructions issued from the
IQ until they are retired, at which point the store can be allowed to update the Dcache.
The SQ also helps ensure correct Alpha memory reference behavior. Miss Address File
The 8-entry miss address file (MAF) holds physical addresses associated with pending
Icache and Dcache fill requests and pending I/O space read transactions. Dstream Translation Buffer
The Mbox includes a 128-entry, fully associative Dstream translation buffer (DTB) used
to store Dstream address translations and page protection information. Each of the entries
in the DTB can map 1, 8, 64, or 512 contiguous 8KB pages. The allocation scheme is
round-robin. The DTB supports an 8-bit ASN and contains an ASM bit.
2.1.7 SROM Interface
The serial read-only memory (SROM) interface provides the initialization data load
path from a system SROM to the Icache. Refer to Chapter 7 for more information.
2.2 Pipeline Organization
The 7-stage pipeline provides an optimized environment for executing Alpha instruc-
tions. The pipeline stages (0 to 6) are shown in Figure 2–8 and described in the follow-
ing paragraphs.