21264/EV68A Hardware Reference Manual
Initialization and Configuration 7–7
Power-Up Reset Flow and the Reset_L and DCOK_H Pins
As BiST completes, the TestStat_H pin is held low for 16 GCLK cycles. Then, if BiST
succeeds, the pin remains low. Otherwise, it is asserted. After successfully completing
BiST, the 21264/EV68A then performs the SROM load sequence (described in Chapter
11). After the SROM load sequence is finished, the 21264/EV68A deasserts
7.1.5 Clock Forward Reset and System Interface Initialization
After the deassertion of SromOE_L, the reset state machine enters the
WAIT_ClkFwdRst1 state, where the 21264/EV68A waits for the system to deassert
ClkFwdReset_H. The 21264/EV68A samples the deasserting edge of
ClkFwdReset_H to take synchronous actions. It uses this synchronous event to reset
the clock forwarding interface, start the outgoing clocks, and deassert internal reset.
The chip then waits 264 cycles before issuing commands. The reset state machine is
then in RUN and the 21264/EV68A begins fetching code at address 0x780.
Table 7–4 lists signals relevant to the power-up flow, provides a short description of
each, and any relevant constraints.
Table 7–4 Power-Up Flow Signals and Their Constraints
Signal Name Description Constraint
ClkIn_x Differential clocks that are
inputs to PLL or are
bypassed onto GCLK
Clocks must be running before DCOK_H is
VDD supply to PLL PLL_VDD must lead VDD.
VDD VDD supply to the 21264/
EV68A chip logic (except
DCOK_H Logic signal to the 21264/
EV68A that the VDD sup-
ply is good
Reset_L RESET pin asserted by
SYSTEM to the 21264/
Reset_L must be asserted prior to DCOK_H and
must remain asserted for at least 100 ms after
DCOK_H is asserted. This allows for PLL settling
time. Deassertion of Reset_L causes the 21264/
EV68A to ramp divisors to their final value and
begin BiST.
Deassertion #1
Signal asserted by SYS-
TEM to synchronously
commence built-in self-test
and SROM load
ClkFwdRst_H must be deasserted after PLL has
achieved its lock in its final divisor value (about 20
µs). The deassertion causes built-in self-test to
begin on an internal clock cycle that corresponds to
one framing clock cycle after ClkFwdRst_H is
deasserted. ClkFwdRst_H can be asserted after
one frame clock cycle. See Figure 7–1.
Deassertion #2
Signal asserted by SYS-
TEM to initialize and reset
clock forwarding interfaces
ClkFwdRst_H must be deasserted when the Cbox
has loaded configuration information. This occurs
as the first part of the serial ROM load, after BiST
is run. Once ClkFwdRst_H is deasserted, the
interface is initialized and can receive probe
requests from the 21264/EV68A.