Compaq ProLiant BL p-Class GbE Interconnect Switch Index-3
COMPAQ CONFIDENTIAL Codename: Vanilla Part Number: 263680-001 Last Saved On: 4/23/02 10:24 AM
console management interface 3-16
Web-based management interface 4-24
ingress filtering of ports 3-28, 4-22
additional information 2-10
cabling 2-7
hardware 2-1
initial power-up 2-8
overview 2-1
planning configuration 2-4
troubleshooting G-2
Integrated Lights Out (iLO)
switch architecture 1-5
VLAN features 1-6
interconnect modules
accessing switch with 2-8
cabling procedure 2-7
DualTSX 1-2, 1-14, 1-15
installation 2-2
QuadT 1-12, 1-13
IP addresses
console management interface 3-9
DHCP and BOOTP sources for 1-8
security 4-33
TFTP server 2-6
Web-based management interface 4-2, 4-6
Japanese regulatory notice H-2
LAN (local area network) 1-6
Layer 2-Based Packet Forwarding 1-6
learning state, STP D-4
LED indicators
DualTSX module 1-15
QuadT module 1-13
switch front panel 1-10
listening state, STP D-2
load balancing 1-7
local area network (LAN) 1-6
login procedures
console management interface 3-3
initial setup 2-5
specific 2-9
Web-based management interface 4-3
logout procedures
console management interface 3-60
Web-based management interface 4-60
MAC Address Aging Time (sec) 3-13, 4-9
MAC addresses
configuring 3-40, 4-31
monitoring 3-47, 4-50
Maintenance menu 4-53
manual assignment of IP addresses 3-11
manual configuration 2-6
Max Age and resource errors D-11
MIBs (Management Information Bases) E-1
Microsoft Internet Explorer 4-1
mirroring of ports
console management interface 3-33
overview 1-7
Web-based management interface 4-12
multicast filtering, configuring
console management interface 3-24
IGMP 1-8
Web-based management interface 4-19
multicast storm, configuring
console management interface 3-34
Web-based management interface 4-26
multiple-switch configuration 2-6
navigation features 3-2
Netscape Navigator 4-1
Network Monitoring Menu 3-42
new deployment installation 2-2
new users, setting up
console management interface 3-4
Web-based management interface 4-3
NICs (network interface cards), LED functions 1-11
NVRAM (non-volatile RAM) 3-6, 4-5
Open Systems Interconnection (OSI) model 1-6
packets, data
corruption of D-10
error monitoring 3-45, 4-43
forwarding technology 1-6
monitoring 3-46, 4-38
prioritization service 1-8, 3-36, 4-29
size monitoring 3-46, 4-46
patch panels, upgrading from 2-4
performance features 1-2
performance specifications A-3
physical and environmental specifications A-3
ping test
console management interface 3-58
Web-based management interface 4-57
port trunking, configuring
console management interface 3-31
Web-based management interface 4-13