
Character Recognizer b-1
appendix b
Using Character Recognizer, you can write characters directly on your iPAQ H3000
screen with your stylus, just as you would on a piece of paper. The characters you write
are translated into typed text. Use Character Recognizer anywhere you want to enter text,
for example, to write a note or to fill in fields in a dialog box.
The default writing mode for Character Recognizer is lowercase (Jot-compatible) mode.
In this mode, you write characters in lowercase. The chart at the end of this appendix con-
tains examples of how to write characters in lowercase mode. You can also choose to write
in uppercase (Graffiti-compatible) mode. In this mode, you write characters in uppercase.
If you prefer to write in uppercase mode, tap Uppercase Mode in Options on the input
method menu. Whether a letter appears in uppercase or lowercase when it is converted to
typed text depends on where in the input panel you write it, not on the mode you have