Chapter 8 BIOS ROM
Compaq iPAQ Family of Internet Devices
First Edition - March 2000
Desktop Management deals with issues of security, identification, and system management
functions. Desktop Management is provided by BIOS INT 15 functions listed Table 8-1.
Table 8-1. Desktop Management Functions (INT15)
Table 8-1.
Desktop Management Functions (INT15)
AX Function Mode
E800h Get system ID Real, 16-, & 32-bit Prot.
E807h Get System Information Table Real, 16-, & 32-bit Prot.
E813h Get monitor information Real, 16-, & 32-bit Prot.
E814h Get system revision Real, 16-, & 32-bit Prot.
E816h Get temperature status Real, 16-, & 32-bit Prot.
E817h Get drive attribute Real
E818h Get drive off-line test Real
E819h Get chassis serial number Real, 16-, & 32-bit Prot.
E81Ah Write chassis serial number Real
E81Bh Get drive threshold Real
E81Eh Get drive ID Real
E820h System Memory Map Real
E822h Flash ROM/Sys. Admin. Fnc. Real, 16-, & 32-bit Prot.
E827h DIMM EEPROM Access Real, 16-, & 32-bit Prot.
E828h Inhibit power button Real, 16-, & 32-bit Prot.
E845h Access CMOS Feature Bits Real, 16-, & 32-bit Prot.
E846h Security Functions Real, 16-, & 32-bit Prot.
All 32-bit protected mode calls are accessed by using the industry-standard BIOS32 Service
Directory. Using the service directory involves three steps:
Locating the service directory.
Using the service directory to obtain the entry point for the client management functions.
Calling the client management service to perform the desired function.
The BIOS32 Service Directory is a 16-byte block that begins on a 16-byte boundary between the
physical address range of 0E0000h-0FFFFFh. The format is as follows:
Offset No. Bytes
00h 4 Service identifier (four ASCII characters)
04h 4 Entry point for the BIOS32 Service Directory
08h 1 Revision level
09h 1 Length of data structure (no. of 16-byte units)
0Ah 1 Checksum (should add up to 00h)
0Bh 5 Reserved (all 0s)