
DIGITAL 2T-CCMHA-CB Central Office Memory Channel Hub Installation/Service Guide
________________________WARNING __________________________
The 2T-CCMHA-CB central office Memory Channel hub can weigh up to
13.6 kg (30 lb.). Use sufficient personnel or the proper lifting equipment
when lifting or moving the system.
________________________ACHTUNG __________________________
Der 2T-CCMHA-CB Central Office Memory Channel Hub kann bis zu 13,6
kg (30 lb) wiegen. Beim Hochheben oder Transport des Systems sollten
deshalb genügend Hilfskräfte vorhanden sein oder die richtigen
Hebewerkzeuge benutzt werden.
Table 2-1 lists the mounting hardware and components included with the 2T-CCMHA-CB
central office Memory Channel hub shipment for installation in a 48.26-cm (19-in.) NEBS
2000/ETSI-compliant cabinet with an EIA rail-hole pattern.
Table 2-1 Mounting Hardware and Component List
Description Part Number Quantity
Chassis slide assembly 12-46387-01 1 pair
Tray 74- 53806-01 1
Front bezel (gray) or 74-53812-02 1
Front bezel (blue) 74-53812-01 1
Interlock actuator bracket 74-53819-01 1
Stabilizer bracket 74-53822-02 1
Actuator latch 74-48997-03 1
Screw, 10-32 truss-head 90-00063-37 2
Set screw, 6-32 90-06291-10 2
Screw, 8-32 pan-head 90-09545-00 6
Screw, 10-32 truss-head 90-00063-39 23
Standoff, 10-32 90-11510-01 4
Kepnut, 8-32 90-06563-00 6
Flat washer, 8-32 90-06661-00 5
Tie-wraps 90-07031-01 10
DIGITAL 2T-CCMHA-CB Central Office Memory Channel Hub
Installation/Service Guide