DIGITAL-LOGIC AG MSB900/L Detailed Technical Manual V1.0
5.8.1. EEPROM Memory for Setup
The EEPROM is used for setup and configuration data, stored as an alternative to the CMOS-RTC. Option-
ally, the EEPROM setup driver may update the CMOS RTC, if the battery is running down and the checksum
error would appear and stop the system. The capacity of the EEPROM is 2 kByte.
Organization of the 2048Byte EEPROMs:
Address MAP: Function:
0000h CMOS-Setup valid (01=valid)
0001h Reserved
0003h Flag for DLAG-Message (FF=no message)
0010h-007Fh Copy of CMOS-Setup data
0080h-00FFh Reserved for AUX-CMOS-Setup
0100h-010Fh Serial-Number
0110h-0113h Production date (year/day/month)
0114h-0117h 1. Service date (year/day/month)
0118h-011Bh 2. Service date (year/day/month)
011Ch-011Fh 3. Service date (year/day/month)
0120h-0122h Boot errors (Auto incremented if any boot error occurs)
0123h-0125h Setup Entries (Auto incremented on every Setup entry)
0126h-0128h Low Battery (Auto incremented every time the battery is low, EEPROM -> CMOS)
0129h-012Bh Startup (Auto incremented on every power-on start)
0130h Reserved
0131h Reserved
0132h/0133h BIOS Version (V1.4 => [0132h]:= 4, [0133h]:=1)
0134h/0135h BOARD Version (V1.5 => [0124h]:=5, [0125h]:=1)
0136h BOARD TYPE (‘M’=PC/104, ‘E’=Euro, ‘W’=MSWS, ‘S’=Slot, ‘C’=Custom, ‘X’= smart-
Core or smartModule)
0137h CPU TYPE:
(01h=ELAN300/310, 02h=ELAN400, 05h=P5, 08h=P3, 09h=ELAN520, 10h=P-M).
0200h-03FFh Reserved
0200h-027Fh Reserved
0400h-07FFh Free for Customer use
5.9. Memory & I/O Map
5.9.1. System Memory Map
The X86 CPU, used as a central processing unit on the MICROSPACE, has a memory address space which
is defined by 32 address bits. Therefore, it can address 1 GByte of memory. The memory address MAP is as
Address: Size: Function / Comments:
000000 - 09FFFFh 640 kBytes Onboard DRAM for DOS applications
0A0000 - 0BFFFFh 128 kBytes CGA, EGA, LCD Video RAM 128kB
0C0000 - 0C7FFFh
0C8000 - 0CFFFFh
32 kBytes
32 kBytes
Free for user
0D0000 - 0DFFFFh 64 kBytes Free for user
0E0000 - 0EBFFFh
0EC000 - 0EFFFFh
32 kBytes
16 kBytes
BIOS extensions
0F0000 - 0FFFFFh 64 kBytes Core BIOS
100000 - 1FFFFFFh 31 MBytes DRAM for extended onboard memory