Mobile Internet PC User’s Guide 17
Presario 2700 Series
scroll mouse
A mouse with a
scroll wheel (between the two
mouse buttons) for automatic
scrolling through long
documents or Web pages.
search engine
A program,
accessed on the Internet, that
allows you to search large
databases for information, using
keywords or phrases.
See also database.
secure Web site
A Web site
that encrypts data to protect it
from unauthorized use. When
you purchase items over the
Internet, you are asked to type
your name, mailing address,
e-mail address, and credit card
information on an electronic
form. Sending information to a
secure Web site is comparable to
giving it over the telephone
when you order from a catalog.
(But never send your social
security number over the
Internet. Criminals can steal
your identity with your social
security number.)
See also encrypt.
serial port
A small connector
on the back of the computer (or
keyboard) for plugging in a thin
cable attached to a serial device,
such as a mouse. Serial devices
transfer data, one bit at a time,
through a data wire. The serial
cable has two wires for
bidirectional communication
(sending and receiving
information simultaneously).
See also digital and parallel
Software you can
try before you buy. After a trial
period, usually 30 days, the
program uninstalls unless you
pay for it. You can download
shareware from the Internet.
See also software.
An icon on the
Windows desktop that you
double-click to launch a