Chapter 2
Since an option can potentially be provided in three places (standard DHCP
packet, option 43, and via TFTP with option 18), the precedence rule is defined as:
(1) standard packet, (2) option 43, and (3) TFTP via option 18. Multiple instances of
the same tag may occur in the system; only the first occurrence is used by the
system. By precedence, we mean that data is read first by processing (1), when
that is done, (2) is processed, followed by (3). Any option that is defined is not
replaced by subsequent sections.
Table 2-2 Additional Vendor-Specific Options
Table 2-2 Additional Vendor-Specific OptionsTable 2-2 Additional Vendor-Specific Options
Table 2-2 Additional Vendor-Specific Options
128-254 Tag
128-254 Tag128-254 Tag
128-254 Tag
Option 43
Option 43 Option 43
Option 43
Type/Length/Value for
Type/Length/Value for Type/Length/Value for
Type/Length/Value for
Option 43
Option 43Option 43
Option 43
1 Vendor-specific ID. Integer 4, 0x76583A1C
NETSVC 2 Network service machine and
String, variable, same format
as option 18 string.
NOSWAP 3 If this option is provided,
swapping is turned off.
Integer 1, any value.
REFLASH 4 If this option is provided, the
reflash utility is invoked in a
network-boot environment.
Integer 1, any value.
MF_DIR 5 Server and directory where
images reside for reflash
String, variable, same format
as option 18 string.
MF_CFG 6 Server and full pathname to
configuration file for reflash
String, variable, same format
as option 18 string.
XFS 7 X font server list to include. String, variable, same format
as option 18 string.
XDMCP 8 XDMCP list. String, variable, same format
as option 18 string.
BUDDY_BOOT 9 If this option is provided, it
indicates that we are
providing the client with
network-boot information for
use with the Boot Server
feature (also known as
“Buddy Boot”).
Integer 1, any value.