Chapter 5 Web-based Interface Configuration for Compex SGX3226
5.4 DHCP Config
The Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) provides configuration
Parameters to Internet hosts. DHCP consists of two components: a protocol for
delivering host-specific configuration parameters from a DHCP server to a host and a
mechanism for allocation of network addresses to hosts. DHCP is built on a client-
server model, where designated DHCP server hosts allocate network addresses and
deliver configuration parameters to dynamically configured hosts.
If you have set the TCP/IP protocol of your PC to dynamic IP address, the built-in
DHCP server will automatically assign the IP address/es within the range of DHCP
Start IP Address and DHCP End IP Address to the PCs connected in the same
network. For dynamic WAN IP, the DNS IP address is obtained automatically from
the ISP.
If you are running different DHCP servers on your network, you will have to
enable only one DHCP server to prevent any conflict in the network addressing.
IP Address
This IP (Internet Protocol) address
uniquely identifies the Gateway in the
network. This is the IP address that the
users should point their Internet
gateway to if fixed IP addresses are
configured on the computers in the
network. However, the DHCP Server
will assign this information if the
computers are configured to
dynamically obtain IP addresses.
Subnet Mask
This is the Subnet Mask to identify the
class of the Gateway’s IP address. By
default, Class C Subnet Mask is set. The users may
configure the network with Class A
( and Class B (
Subnet Mask as well. In addition,
Compex SGX3226 can be configured for
Classless Subnet to support certain