About this Document
©2010 Control4. All rights reserved. Control4, the Control4 logo and InnityEdge are
registered trademarks or trademarks of Control4 Corporation in the United States
and/or other countries. All other names or brands may be claimed as property by
their respective owners. Pricing and specications subject to change without notice.
Part Number: 200-00152 Rev A, 8/23/2010
Use the Quick Access buttons (Watch and Listen) on the SR-250
to watch the TV or movies or listen to music by List or the last
three (3) devices used. Can be congured by your Dealer.
Quick Access Buttons
SR-250 and the On-Screen Navigator
To control devices from the SR-250 using the On-Screen
1. On the SR-250, press the red 4 button to access the TV’s
On-Screen Navigator.
2. To navigate through the On-Screen Navigator and the
Control4 system, press the arrow buttons, and then press
the Select button to make your selection.
3. See the Control4 System Quick Start Guide and the Control4
System User Guide to learn how to navigate through the sys-
tem and discover all of the cool features of the Navigators.
SR-250 List Navigator
To control devices from the SR-250 OLED window:
1. On the SR-250, press the List button to access the SR-250’s
List Navigator. House, Lights, Music, Videos, and other op-
tions appear.
2. To navigate through the List Navigator and the Control4 sys-
tem, press the arrow buttons to scroll through the list.
3. Keep pressing the arrow buttons until you get to your desired
4. Press the Select button to make your selection.
5. See the Control4 System Quick Start Guide and the Control4
System User Guide online help to learn how to navigate
through the system and discover all of the cool features of
the Navigator.
To set the preferences:
1. Press the List button on the System Remote Control.
2. Use the arrow keys to scroll down the list. Press Select to
select Info. Scroll down to Cong, and then press Select to
set the LCD display preferences or to view the battery level:
• Display Brightness (SR-250)—Use the Right or Left
arrow keys to move the slider bar to brighten or dim
• Keypad Brightness (SR-250)—Use the Right or Left
arrow keys to move the slider bar to brighten or dim
the keypad display.
• Motion Detect (SR-250)—Use the Up or Down arrow
buttons for Off (High, Medium, and Low intensity). Press
• Battery Level (SR-250)—View the battery level in
• About—Lists the software version, date and time.
• Set Contrast—Use the arrow buttons to move slider bar
to increase or decrease contrast. Press Select.
• Language (OS 2.0 and later)— Use the Up or Down
arrow buttons to locate the language. Press Select.
Control4 makes no representations or warranties with respect to this publication,
and specically disclaims any express or implied warranties of merchantability or
tness for any particular purpose. Control4 reserves the right to make changes
to any and all parts of this publication at any time, without any obligation to notify
any person or entity of such changes.
Control4 and the Control4 logo are registered trademarks of Control4 Corpora-
tion. Other product and company names mentioned in this document may be the
trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective owners.
© 2010 Control4. All rights reserved. Control4, Control4 logo and InnityEdge
are registered trademarks or trademarks of Control4 Corporation in the United
States and/or other countries. All other brands or names may be claimed as
property by their respective owners. Pricing and specications subject to change
without notice.
No part of this publication may be reproduced, photocopied, stored on a retrieval
system, or transmitted without the express written consent of the publisher.
Contact Information
Control4 Corporation
11734 S. Election Road
Salt Lake City, UT 84020 USA
Part Number: 200-00152